got into my car this afternoon and was faced with a 4x4 system and DSC failed errors on my screen, panic!! only just purchased the car 9 days ago, so after regaining some self control I reached for my iPad Pro and within 2 minutes, hey presto, I have the answer and a solution that worked immediately. So thought I’d share my recommended solution.., get your car running and turn the steering wheel full rake both ways a number of times and it resets the errors whooosh! It’s the steering column/rake sensor at the heart of the issue.., by going full left and right turning it gives it the information it needs and then reset’s. I believe, in my case, it was having a tracking module fitted yesterday that’s at fault - some how there was a slight power loss, boot light flickered, that has clearly upset the car but it was checked directly after install by both myself and the installer and everything was ok - no error codes shown It was the installer who I have now contacted to update him and now i’ve Done the same here in the UK - keep on trucking.., shows my age!
Welcome Graham Well done... that’s certainly one to remember, shall almost always occur when the battery is disconnected However it’s odd that you’ve been effected the day after I’d suggest the battery has been run down during fitment, a good long run will do it the world of good!
I thank you for that as it’s been sat on the drive for a couple of days prior to the tracker being installed..,
Thanks, Graham. I had a similar thing a couple of times with the E60, only it flagged up as an Active Steering fault. The first was after a battery replacement, the second after reversing up a steep incline on full lock. The 'lock-to-lock' trick sorted it, but it involved having the s/wheel spot on the 'dead ahead' position or the warning would reappear quite quickly.
I had a similar fault after replacing the battery last week, DSC warnings and stuff. Cleared them with ISTA and the faults never returned.
The easy answer is to ensure that another battery/12V power source is connected across the underbonnet points before disconnecting the battery. Hopefully it won't be necessary, it might only have reappeared with mine because the spurious code was AS related. I suspect the car might have been on a slight slope with the front wheels 'off-centre' when they did the battery swap. Far too clever, these cars.....
I changed the battery last week after waiting for a break in the weather - in the end I got rained on anyway so had to do the job quickly! No time for plugging in power sources